Monday, January 26, 2015

Menu Plan Monday

So, here it is day 7 of what was my 21 day detox, but is now day 7 of my Paleo diet (click here to see my post Friday about what Paleo is). Things are going GREAT!

I thought I'd start out with telling you what we eat for breakfast (we meaning Matt and I).

Our go-to breakfast during the week are these Omelet Muffins. I made 24 last week then you just toss them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. I pair mine with fruit or fruit and turkey bacon.

There are many different recipes for these. I'd this one and add what ever you want. 

Then, on Saturday, when there is a bit more time we eat Paleo Pancakes. These were yummy!

Now on to this week. 

Remember, You can click on the recipe name for a link to the recipe.

*Now if you happen to be following along closely, you will see I have one repeat from last week. We had an event last night that bumped a dish to Monday night. Don't worry, I took my own food and it all went great!



I got this recipe from my friend, Becky, but this is the closest I could find online. 


This is so Yummy! 

I know what I am eating may not be for everyone, but trust me it all tastes delicious! I hope you have a great week cooking for your family!

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